Published Date: May 10, 2016 Like ( 0 ) Dislike ( 0 ) Views: 5,373

Love Machine Films

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Karl was very active in the brewing community throughout his life. He was president of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas (1961-1963) and founder and director of the Museum of Beer and Brewing in Milwaukee. He is the only person to have received the MBAA Award of Merit (1981), Award of Honor (1992), and the Distinguished Life Service Award (2003). Karl also believed it was important to pass on the techniques and traditions of his craft to young brewers. We created the Karl M. Strauss Brewers Education Fund in honor of his work.

Karl had a contagious enthusiasm that inspired everyone around him. He was driven by a belief that everyone should enjoy life, preferably with good friends and good beer. Over the course of his 70 plus years as a brewer, he brewed more than seven billion servings of beer, enough for everyone on the planet to have a Karl Strauss Beer.

Mission accomplished, Karl. Cheers.

Karl M Strauss“My life's work has been brewing and if I had to do it over again, I would pursue the same path, which is to say I have no regrets.”

Karl M. Strauss

Founded on the ethos that love can conquer all, Love Machine Films thrives when the lens is on the soul of the people. We are on the front lines in the fight to save humanity. Breast cancer, children with diabetes, the malaria epidemic of south-east Asia, or the suicides of teenagers, we are showing these plights successfully through the poetic medium of film, tv, music and photo. Love Machine Films has the client roster and years to back our major commercial acclaim both here in the U.S and internationally. Again our ethos is simple: Love can conquer all.

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