Published Date: May 10, 2016 Like ( 0 ) Dislike ( 0 ) Views: 4,066

Love Machine Films

14 Videos

CHARTER SCHOOL OF SAN DIEGO The Charter School of San Diego is an independent study, academic intervention program serving grades 7 through 12 and recipient of the 2015 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. This award establishes CSSD as a national role model for education. CSSD has been transforming student lives through education for over 20 years. Every CSSD student enjoys the benefits of a custom-built course plan, one-on-one attention from teachers, individualized college and career planning, and a flexible schedule that meets their academic and personal needs. Our teachers are committed to providing a personalized and rigorous academic experience for each student. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is the nation’s highest Presidential honor for performance excellence through innovation, improvement and visionary leadership. This is the first time that the award has been presented to a school in its 28-year history. LOVE MACHINE FILMS Founded on the ethos that love can conquer all, Love Machine Films thrives when the lens is on the soul of the people. We are on the front lines in the fight to save humanity. Breast cancer, children with diabetes, the malaria epidemic of south-east Asia, or the suicides of teenagers, we are showing these plights successfully through the poetic medium of film, tv, music and photo. Love Machine Films has the client roster and years to back our major commercial acclaim both here in the U.S and internationally. Again our ethos is simple: Love can conquer all. Visit us @ Like us @ Follow us @ Follow us @

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